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Catalunya Experience Magazin

Restoration of distorted images is one of the most interesting and important problems of image processing - from the theoretical, as well as from the practical point of view. There are especial cases: blurring due to incorrect focus and blurring due to movement - and these very defects which each of you knows very well, and which are very difficult to repair were selected as the subject of this article. As for other image defects noise, incorrect exposure, distortion , the humanity has learned how to correct them, any good photo editor has that tools. Why is there almost no means for correction of blurring and defocusing except unsharp mask - maybe it is impossible to do this at all? In fact, it is possible - development of a respective mathematical theory started approximately 70 years ago, but like other algorithms of image processing, deblurring algorithms became wide-used just recently.

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Restoration of defocused and blurred images
Oimagazine 20

Что это? Это часть повествования о другом изобретателе см. Более того, она стала в конце концов слишком велика даже сама по себе, и я разбил её надвое: глава 3. Те, кто интересуется Аэропланом де Боссэ, вполне могут пропустить эти вставные главы, а тем, кто, наоборот, интересуется не де Боссэ, а Франческо Лана, я надеюсь, не очень помешает висящий справа путеводитель по основному сюжету.

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Catalunya Experience Magazin
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Как сделать арку из воздушных шаров - wikiHow
Большой русско-английский спортивный словарь - мамаияклуб.рф

TM , Dictionary of Spoken Russian , is published for the information and guidance of all concerned. By order of the Secretary of War:. Official: G.

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